Frequently asked questions:

Where can I buy Weinzeit tickets? 

Grundsätzlich gibt es die Weinzeit Tickets immer vor Ort! Als Gruppe oder Early-Bird hat man zusätzlich die Option, sich vergünstigte Online Tickets im Vorfeld zu sichern. Diese Tickets sind online über die Ticketplattform Eventbrite oder direkt auf unserer Website erhältlich. 

Can I go to Weinzeit without a ticket?

Yes, the Staden and our other locations offer a cosy and open atmosphere for getting together. Everyone is welcome, even ‘non-wine drinkers’. 

Where do I get the vouchers with my online ticket?

An extra ‘voucher’ stand is available at both ends of the Weinzeit for the allocation of vouchers and glasses. With the purchase of an online ticket, you even have the option of ‘fast-lane’ entry via the glass stand. This saves you having to queue at the voucher stand and you receive your voucher and glass straight away. 

Are online tickets valid for both days?

Yes, tickets purchased online are valid on Friday and Saturday. In addition, unused vouchers from Friday can also be used on the following day. 

Are tickets transferable?

Yes, if something comes up, you can also pass on your tickets

What is the advantage of buying tickets online?

Zum einen erspart man sich das Anstehen am „Voucher“-Stand, was zu Stoßzeiten schon einmal etwas dauern kann.  Zum anderen haben wir online spezielle „Frühbucher“-Rabatte. Die große Weinzeit kostet im „Frühen-Vogel-Tarif“ nur 19€, anstatt vor Ort 23,00€. Des Weiteren könnt Ihr mit dem Gruppentarif 6  kleine Weinzeiten zum Preis von 5 erwerben.

What do I do if I run out of vouchers at some point?

There are 2 ‘voucher’ stands at both ends of the Weinzeit, where you can buy more vouchers at any time.

What does the little Weinzeit include?

With the small Weinzeit you get 9 vouchers of 0.05 litres of wine and an exclusive Weinzeit glass for €17, which you can take home with you afterwards. With the vouchers, you can try a total of 9 samples of different wines from our numerous winegrowers or, for example, have more than 0.05l of a wine poured for you. Everyone can decide according to their personal preference. 

What does the big Weinzeit include?

With the great Weinzeit you get 15 vouchers of 0.05 litres of wine for €23 and an exclusive Weinzeit glass to take home with you afterwards. With the vouchers, you can try a total of 15 different wines from our numerous winegrowers or, for example, have more than 0.05l of one wine poured for you. Everyone can decide according to their personal preference.

Can I keep the special glass?

Yes, with the purchase of each Weinzeit you will receive a free glass to take home afterwards. 

What do I do if I want to have my glass replaced in between?

Our ‘glasses’ station is available for this purpose, where you can quickly get a freshly rinsed, new wine glass.

Can I come to Weinzeit as a driver?

You are very welcome - Non-alcoholic drinks are either available on site or right next to the location. A few wine stands offer non-alcoholic wine cocktails. At our ‘water station’ you can get mineral water in exchange for coupons (or cash). 

Are you also providing food?

Yes, we have provided plenty of food for that. From delicious tarte flambée and antipasti platters to fresh pasta and a large selection of grilled dishes and sweet crepes, there's something for everyone.